Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Topshop Jewellery

Topshop and Tiffany&Co are my two favourite places to purchase jewellery from. Both shops I would class as opposite ends of the spectrum. 

This post is about Topshop :)

I like Topshop because it sells jewellery that can be worn on a day to day basis and tends to be more quirky and up to date with the current fashion.

 I purchased some pieces yesterday in a small sale my local shop was holding. All the pieces featured were half price or less and like any girl I love a bargain! 

This item is an earcuff that joins to a piercing.

I usually play it safe with earrings but I absolutely loved this earring/earcuff and couldn't resist buying it! I love that it's edgy and really fits in with the current gothic style. 

When wearing this earcuff I put my hair to the side because I feel that its a piece of jewellery that is made to be seen. 
Another piece I came home with yesterday was this amazing ring!

I am absolutely in love with this ring and can't see myself taking it off in the near future. It is the funniest piece of jewellery I've ever purchased. 

It is one ring but has two sections - the top section making up the eyes and the lower section creating the moustache. 

I love it because I can look down at my finger and have a good giggle to myself. It's like carrying around and old funny looking man. 

These two pieces of ear jewellery are from the same sale. 

The left side is another earcuff but this one is independent from a piercing. 

It features a bar that is connected to 5 rings that you close around your ear.
It doesn't involve any piercing at all.

I love this piece because I have wanted to get more piercings along my ear for a while but this piece creates the illusion of more piercings without actually puncturing the skin. 

The piece on the right is from a pair of earrings where as the other pieces in this blog are individuals. 

A diamond shape is created by nine tubes hanging together. The earrings look heavy but are very light weight and don't pull down on the ear lobe. 

I find that some pieces can be very heavy and can end up stretching the piercing hole but there is very little chance that will happen with these. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. It's only short and I'm just getting the hang of it. 
All feedback is more than welcome!

Charley T x